Dragula (You Can Easily Move the Content)
You can move these elements between these two containers
Moving them anywhere else isn't quite possible
Anything can be moved around. That includes images
There's also the possibility of moving elements around in the same container, changing their position
This is the default use case. You only need to specify the containers you want to use
More interactive use cases lie ahead

Moving <input/> elements works just fine. You can still focus them, too.

More interactive use cases lie ahead
Make sure to check out the
More interactive use cases lie ahead
When elements are copyable, they can't be sorted in their origin container
Copying prevents original elements from being dragged. A copy gets created and that gets dragged instead
Whenever that happens, a cloned event is raised
Note that the clones get destroyed if they're not dropped into another container
You'll be dragging a copy, so when they're dropped into another container you'll see the duplication.
More interactive use cases lie ahead.